exhibicion de peces (Marlin) y la vida marina en Delray Beach FL, USA

Manuel Gonzalez Behrens (Mag'z) was born in Valencia, Venezuela in 1974.
His passion for art, colours and textures, are the legacy of his grandmother, an
artist in her own right. During his childhood he devoted countless hours to 
assisting her with her creations. 
Through that experience he learned the concepts of colour, balance and the 
indispensable importance of utilizing varying techniques.
  His diverse array of experimental paintings and drawings, employing a variety
of styles and techniques, culminated in the development of his signature style.
Mag'z consistently introduces experimental materials so as to nurture innovative
ideas and spark fresh forms of expression.
Mag'z had a great participation and collaboration, 
with foundations for the conservation of marine wildlife,
 while he was training in the state of Florida, 
under companies related to his work as a scenic painter, 
in 2014 he participated in an art contest, 
called Turtle Conservation (Sea Turtle Conservancy). 
in which he won the first prize with his work Exploring the Ocean,
 among his exhibitions we can highlight Animale Nature (2014),
 in which he showed 24 of his works related to conservation animal,
 selling 4 of them the day of the opening in Gallery 2014 Hollywood Florida,
 Currently lives in London and,
continues in the tireless search to show the knowledge,
 acquired after his adventures in the old continent.
  Mag'z shows us with his works a discharge of colours and dimensions, 
his passion for art transports us with his extensive energy to discover its dimension.


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